8La Plata

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In terms of size, with a total population of about 43 million citizens, Argentina is the 8th largest country on Earth and the 3rd richest country in South America when Gross Domestic Products are ranked. Currently classified as one of the middle emerging economies in the world, the country has a GDP per capita of $19,486. The following cities are the most expensive cities to live in Argentina. The cost of accommodation per month for a one bedroom apartment in different parts of the cities mentioned has been used as yardsticks to rank them. Here is the list of the most expensive cities; The least most expensive city on the list is La Plata; an idyllic town very close to Bueno Aires with a well-structured layout. The city has a price index of 88. The average cost of renting a one bedroom apartment within the city costs about 5,5850.00 ARS, to rent an apartment outside the city for a month is 4,120.00 ARS. Click the next ARROW to see the next City!